Alicia-Loki Norse God of mishcheif
Loki is a trickster god. His daughter is Frejya
Mackenzie-Raven Native American trickster god
Raven is also a trickster. He has a lot of enemies but his biggest one is Coyote.
Odin is very stubborn and that is his major weakness. He is the "king" of all gods.
Krishna is associated with Hinduism. He eats butter and always tries to steal it.
Bailey-Hel Norse Goddess of the underworld.
Hel is the ruler of the Norse Helheim. Her domain is icy cold to torture the souls that reside there.
Katie-Freya Norse goddess of love, sexuality, and beauty.
Freya is a goddess that can be compared to Aphrodite. She has a twin brother named Frey.
Delaney-Nokomis Native American Goddess of the Earth
Nokomis is the goddess of the Earth. Before she created the world, everything was just water.
Abrianna-Lan Caihe The deity of poverty
Lan Caihe has no identified gender. One of her/his powers is changing form.
Ethan-Pangu God of the Earth
Pangu was born from a black eye that became the Earth and the sky. He grows 6 feet everyday.
James-Sun Wukong Chinese monkey god
Monkey can fly and change form. He stole peaches from Xi Wang Mu.
Meghan-Coyote Native American trickster god
Coyote's biggest enemy is Raven. Wiley Coyote is named after him.
Keely-Isis Goddess of motherhood.
Isis is a loving and caring mother. Her siblings are Set, Osiris, and Nepthys
Savanna-Amentet Goddess of the underworld.
Amentet can re birth souls. She is kind and good-hearted.
James-Dionysus God of Wine
Dionysus can shape shift and has superhuman strength. He controls the growth of vines.
Maggie-Xi Wangmu Queen of the West
She has immortality powers. She can cause plaque when angered.
Summer-Aphrodite God of love, beauty, and desire.
She has super-human strength and vitality. She can fly and change form.
Natalie-Nut Goddess of the sky
Her skin is blue and covered in stars. She can control the sky, night and day.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Post #9 My Myth Retold
When I was young, I discovered all of the wonders of the wild. I learned a lot from my mother, she was fast, and I learned how to follow the ways of animals. I loved the desert dogs. I loved their intelligence and stealth, I learned the most from them. They were loving animals, respectful. They didn't kill strong or healthy animals. I was never ugly about death, I learned that from them. But they also ate corpses. That was the one brutal thing about them. They brought me to death as I followed them and studied them, that's why I announced to my mother Nebet Hut and father Set that I was going to Duat to preside over the dead. I took the form of a desert dog, well just my head. But I was black, not gold, symbolizing death. But black also symbolized fertility and that directly ties into death. I ruled Duat successfully until my father Set killed my uncle Usir for no reason. It affected me greatly, but I waited for his soul and embalmed him myself. I allowed him to take over as the ruler, but I did not do it in spite. I was a roaming desert dog who held the justice scale for souls, and ruling the underworld was a lot for me to take on. Instead I became the patron for orphans and lost souls. I felt at ease with them, like it was where I belonged.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Post #8 Resolution
The end of this myth is a happy one. I allow my uncle to take over, I actually encouraged it and I'm grateful when he did because it is hard to prepare and judge souls, and be the ultimate ruler on top of all of that. I became the patron for orphans and lost souls. So really everything worked out in the end.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Post #7 Climax
The climax of this story is when my uncle Osiris dies and comes to Duat and his soul is judged by me. I meet him as his soul enters Duat. I embalm him after the process is finished and he becomes the ruler, we live peacefully in Duat with me judging souls and roaming the graveyards as a Jackal.
Post #6 Conflict
The conflict in this story is my father killing my uncle. Set killed Osiris for no particular reason, and it affected me a lot. I embalmed my uncle and met his soul in Duat. He wanted to become the supreme ruler of the underworld, so I graciously allowed him. Now my uncle Osiris rules Duat, and I am the God of Mummification. Everything worked out for the best.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Post #5 Characters
Anubis (Inpu)
I am young in the myth when I first go to Duat. I turn into a jackal, but with black fir instead of the normal golden color. My fur color is black because black is the color of the Underworld but also because its the color of the soil and that symbolizes fertility and life.

Nebet Hut
My mother loved me quite a bit. She taught me how to be stealthy and cooperative. She was not surprised the day I told her I wanted to go to Duat and rule the underworld. She was proud of me and I loved her a lot. She is the goddess of mystery and kept many secrets.

My father Set is the goddess of chaos and anarchy. He killed my uncle Osiris for no reason, and I was very distraught and confused about it. But when my uncle died I met his soul and embalmed him myself. My father was not a kind man. He was very cruel and caused maelstroms everywhere.

My uncle Osiris came down to Duat and I embalmed his body. I eagerly allowed him to take my place as ruler of the underworld. I had no negative feelings toward my uncle.
I am young in the myth when I first go to Duat. I turn into a jackal, but with black fir instead of the normal golden color. My fur color is black because black is the color of the Underworld but also because its the color of the soil and that symbolizes fertility and life.
Nebet Hut
My mother loved me quite a bit. She taught me how to be stealthy and cooperative. She was not surprised the day I told her I wanted to go to Duat and rule the underworld. She was proud of me and I loved her a lot. She is the goddess of mystery and kept many secrets.
My father Set is the goddess of chaos and anarchy. He killed my uncle Osiris for no reason, and I was very distraught and confused about it. But when my uncle died I met his soul and embalmed him myself. My father was not a kind man. He was very cruel and caused maelstroms everywhere.
My uncle Osiris came down to Duat and I embalmed his body. I eagerly allowed him to take my place as ruler of the underworld. I had no negative feelings toward my uncle.
Post #4 Setting

The setting of this myth takes place in Duat, our Egyptian equivalence to hell. Duat is the underworld of Egypt. It was before I took over as the head of the underworld. Duat is not a happy place where souls go to suffer for all of eternity. It was were I presided over the dead. That day I decided I wanted to judge souls so I took over as the master of the underworld.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Post #3 Cultural References
I am such a powerful and important God to this world that you mortals, not even the Egyptian ones, still reference me in this culture. The TV show "House of Anubis" is actually rather dark, but I guess it makes sense considering I am the God of the dead and the Underworld. But, I believe my house should be referenced as a majestic palace where only the highest of Egyptian Gods live. Not as a modern basic house in some mediocre TV show.

There's also this movie about mummy's and there's even a ride in Universal Studios called "Revenge of The Mummy," And in case you've forgotten, I'm the god of mummification. Of course I deserve much more than a simple ride in a theme park, but I'll take what I can get.

And to add to all of that there's also a video game called "League of Legends" that made me one of the main characters:

Is that beast or what? You might consider me as a grungy mutt that roams around graveyards, but let me tell you. I am a legend. In Egypt, and in countries you would never expect, like America.
I am culturally referenced in hundreds of places all over the world- and that's not going to change. I'm pretty much the favorite Egyptian god around. Did you know I am the most worshiped Egyptian god with the most statues, and hieroglyphics. I mean, you have to be pretty important to have mortals worship you like that.

There's also this movie about mummy's and there's even a ride in Universal Studios called "Revenge of The Mummy," And in case you've forgotten, I'm the god of mummification. Of course I deserve much more than a simple ride in a theme park, but I'll take what I can get.
And to add to all of that there's also a video game called "League of Legends" that made me one of the main characters:
Is that beast or what? You might consider me as a grungy mutt that roams around graveyards, but let me tell you. I am a legend. In Egypt, and in countries you would never expect, like America.
I am culturally referenced in hundreds of places all over the world- and that's not going to change. I'm pretty much the favorite Egyptian god around. Did you know I am the most worshiped Egyptian god with the most statues, and hieroglyphics. I mean, you have to be pretty important to have mortals worship you like that.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Post #2
For many eons I was the most important ruler of the underworld and god of the dead, until my father Osiris surpassed me. Now I roam the tombs and graveyards in my dog form seeking out bodies to mummify. But do not underestimate me, I have ruled this world for many years and still have a decision in deciding where souls go in the afterlife. I take pity to the souls who have lived their lives with courage, sacrifice and honor. Those souls shall be turned to paradise in the afterlife. Souls who have had lives full of disgrace, shame, and ignominy will be damned to Duat. I weigh the hearts of mortals on a scale of justice and decide where they shall go. You mortals worship me. That is all that can be expected, seeing as you don't want to be sent to Duat.

Post #1
My name is Anubis, but I am also known as ANPU, IMEUT, IENPW, INPU, LENPW, YINEPU I am the lord of the underworld and mummification. I am also the patron for lost souls. I have the body of a man and the head of a jackal, or more commonly known, a dog. As for my job, I decide if souls are damned for all of eternity, or live in the afterlife peacefully. I have been the ruler of the underworld for eons, but Osiris has taken over the position. I still am very involved in the judgement of souls, I hold the scale of justice and no soul makes it into the after life without my knowledge. I am the god of mummification. Mortals wrap their deceased in herbs and plants for me to smell and find, and then take the pure souls to paradise. I take many forms, but I walk on your Earth as a Jackal. My coat is not commonly brown, but black because I am the god of the dead.

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